Safety Day at Megadyne Italy

Safety Day at Megadyne Italy

Safety has always been important to Megadyne and it is one of the six challenges identified that we need to conquer to achieve our key company objectives.

Why does safety matter?

We can only excel in our service levels, and product quality and be the reliable partner for our current and future customers by focusing on our people and their safety.

"Reducing the number of accidents to zero - explains Roberto Russo, plant manager - is our goal. To achieve this, we are investing heavily, focused on three main areas: the adaptation and safety of machinery, the improvement of ergonomics and workstations, including personal safety devices, and training.

And the training on safety is so important that we dedicated a whole day to it, our first Safety Day."

For the occasion, the HSE Global Manager of Ammega - David Vint - also participated in all the activities with enthusiasm.

Thanks to the commitment of the HSE office in organizing the activity and the professionalism of an external agency specialized in training, safety issues were proposed in a new, interactive and engaging way.



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