

MEGASYNC™ Gold2 has been developed to provide a more powerful version of RPP and Silver belts. It is suitable for a very wide range of applications in power transmission. This type of belt combines the advantages of gears and roller chain drives, minimizing the drawbacks of both.

Gold2 belts feature the RPC profile, designed also to be interchangeable with existing deep groove profiles and to run on pulleys according to ISO 13050. MEGASYNC™ Gold2 belts are also antistatic according to ISO 9563.


Megadyne MEGASYNC™ Gold2 belts have been developed to give a more powerful alternative to RPP and Silver3 belts to compete against high-performance transmission systems using chains and gears, that always have a disadvantage in terms of weight, noise, lubrication and maintenance costs.

MEGASYNC™ Gold3 can be used to improve and easily upgrade already existing drives working with both MEGASYNC™ RPP and MEGASYNC™ Silver.

The design of Gold2 timing belts offers the possibility to keep using the same RPP pulleys.

MEGASYNC™ Gold2 14M belts have two nylon plies on the teeth to:
Improve belt resistance to wearing
Reduce friction and noise levels.

Because of these features, replacing an MEGASYNC™ RPP or Silver3 with an MEGASYNC™ Gold2 can:
Reduce belt width thanks to the higher power rate; this allows also to reduce the required pulley width. They both lead to a significant transmission weight reduction;
Reduce the pulley diameters thanks to the higher power rate; this leads to a lower belt linear speed and to the consequent noise reduction.

Main components

01/ BODY

High-performance NBR

02 / CORD

MEGASYNC™ Gold2 features a high performance K-glass cord.

03 / COVER

MEGASYNC™ Gold2 has dual layer nylon (for 14M) and a single layer nylon (for 8M): self-lubricating, low friction, extended life.

Timing belts Rubber endless Isoran GOLD

Mechanical and chemical properties

Tooth Pitch Code: GLD2 5M, GLD2 8M and GLD2 14M.
RPC tooth profile, known for its low-noise characteristics.
Cord: Higher power capacity Fiberglass Cords with excellent dimensional stability.
Compound: a high-performance compound gives oil and heat resistance.
Tooth Cover: graphite impregnated fabric coated with a film provides low friction and durability.
Antistatic properties: conforms to ISO 9563 (BS 2050) standard.
Operating temperatures: 25 °C up to +80 °C (Max peak: 100 °C).
Available in any width.
On demand: GLD2 8M DD and GLD2 14M DD (Dual-Sided).


Case Study


    In ceramics manufacturing, tiles need to be moved, sorted, or processed on smooth and efficient transportation system. Overall, belts are integral in ensuring the synchronized movement of rollers, thereby providing an efficient and controlled method for transporting tiles across different stages of processing lines.

    Standard belting solutions can encounter significant issues:
    - Rapid wear of the toothed side due to constant start-stop operations in the 
    roller conveyors.
    - Reduced performance, caused by high ambient temperatures and abrasive 
    ceramic dust.
    In addition, the increasing weight of ceramic tiles, from as little as 0.01 kg to 200 kg, demanded greater force for movement, stressing the belts and further decreasing their lifespan. This results in frequent downtime and high maintenance costs.

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