

With a wealth of experience in the Elevator industry, founded on years of research and development, we understand the belt requirements exactly. Working closely with global manufacturers we supply products that give the highest level of operational safety, along with high load/torque and low-noise requirements.

Reliability, security, and long service life – these are must-have features. Our solutions support vertical movement systems, offering the highest level of operational safety and maximum efficiency along with high-load torque and silent drive standards. 

Megadyne belting solutions are used in a wide range of vertical movement — as well as bi-directional movement applications such as:

  • Freight Elevators
  • Gantry Cranes
  • Human Lifts
  • ASRS Systems
  • Palletizing Systems
  • Car Overhead Conveying Systems

Depending on the environment and the loads being moved, Megadyne’s technical staff can help engineer the right belt for your application.


Many Customers have linked Megadyne with this specific industrial sector thanks to its wide range of standard and customized products. Take a look at our selection and choose the right solution for your specific application!

Megadyne's Megalinear P3.3 Open End Belt is a TRACTION BELT specifically designed for use in lifting industries.

  • Timing Belts
  • V-belts
  • Multi-rib belts

Success Stories

  • Home Lift
  • Automatic Parking System
  • Residential elevators are becoming more popular in private homes thanks to industry innovations that have contributed to making them a practical addition. Homeowners are installing elevators to aid them in maintaining a level of comfort and mobility by avoiding the necessity of climbing up and down stairs. Elevators allow people to remain in their homes as they reach an advanced age. They are also beneficial for anyone with limited mobility such as children or handicapped individuals.

    A manufacturer of commercial elevators contacted Megadyne for assistance with the design of a drive system for a new residential elevator product.

    Continue reading to learn how we can provide a solution relevant to your application.