AMMEGA: A new name in belting technology

AMMEGA: A new name in belting technology

Company name change announcement

Megadyne Group and Ammeraal Beltech announce their new merged name: AMMEGA.

While preserving the strengths of our existing brands and their respective channel-to-market strategies, we are uniting under a new Group Name. AMMEGA will be a powerful new belting champion in industrial power transmission, lightweight process and conveyor belting

The new name of AMMEGA will serve principally to unite all of its employees under a common identity and corporate vision and mission. Given their well-established reputations in respective markets and their different channel-to-market strategies, which will remain unchanged, their two strong brand names – Ammeraal Beltech and Megadyne – will remain as is.

‘With over 5000 employees, more than 25 manufacturing facilities, and over 100 commercial and sales centres around the world,’ comments Stijn Vriends, CEO, ‘AMMEGA demonstrably represents a new global leader in belting, dedicated to serving its ever-broadening customer base at a time when there is dramatically-increasing demand for automation in many major industrial sectors in every geographical region. ‘We make your business move!’

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