Introducing Megadyne Rollpower – belt designed with logistics in mind.

Introducing Megadyne Rollpower – belt designed with logistics in mind.

Today's logistics facilities are being challenged to run faster and for longer hours before planned maintenance. Therefore, we are pleased to introduce Megadyne Rollpower™ the new elastic ribbed rubber belt designed to outperform other belt types found on roller conveyors used in warehousing and manufacturing environments. Megadyne Rollpower™ combines cost-saving qualities with increased productivity and less maintenance.

Megadyne Rollpower employs an innovative easy-to-install design to make it a perfect solution for the latest needs of the logistics industry. The latest developments in Megadyne belting technology made it capable of operations at speeds up to 3m/s and the ability to run 50 rollers together.

Find out more about the new Rollpower solution.

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