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Power Transmission solutions through innovation

The dominant factor that makes Megadyne a power transmission market leader is the fact that it is us who sets the trends, evolves the solutions, and enables you to improve business performance.

The secret is the people - the veteran Megadyne engineers with years of experience working with a wide portfolio of customers from a variety of industries. No challenge is too big or small for our master craftsmen, who are the key to solving operational pains and finding new innovative solutions.

This is clearly seen in our products - those already available, and those which are yet to be released. The Megadyne Team always seeks to innovate to provide you with the ability to run your business more cost-effectively, faster and extend the operational potential.





借助 P3.3 更上一层楼!

Megalinear P3.3 电梯复合钢带的成功研制,进一步优化了麦高迪复合钢带产品的性能,将行 业发展水平提升到了新的高度。它可以满足电梯行业更广泛的应用需求,确保电梯低噪声、平 稳和安全地运行。 麦高迪在传动带领域有着丰富的经验积累,...

MEGASYNC™ Titanium

Megadyne推出一款市场上首屈一指的高强 动力同步带!

新一代同步带性能卓越,Platinum 及市面 上其他同类产品望尘莫及。

更换链条、齿轮式传动系统,寻觅理想 传动带解决方案,首选MEGADYNE MEGASYNC™ TITANIUM.


Megalinear P3 HL

行业应用经验,全新推出了 MEGALINEAR P3 HL 电梯钢带,为家用电梯系统的发展设立


Megadyne introduces MEGALINEAR MLR-45: a durable, reliable and low-maintenance engineered belt for extended life in demanding applications in a Logistics...

Megalinear MTD8 HFL

麦高迪全新推出Gantry Robot(机械臂)专用同步带-- Megalinear MTD8 HFL,助力高效、稳定生产,为您的自动化应用增添强劲动力!

Megalinear MTD8 HFL 经过精心设计和优化,并采用高强度、耐磨损的材料制造,可在长时间、...

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