New President of the Americas

New President of the Americas

The new President of the Americas has been appointed

Megadyne is pleased to announce the appointment of Tom Doring as AMMEGA's new President of the Americas. Tom will oversee the activities of Ammeraal Beltech, Megadyne and Jason Industrial in North, Central and South America.

Tom will succeed Philip Cohenca who served as President of the Americas for AMMEGA since the merger of Ammeraal Beltech, Megadyne and Jason in September of 2018.  Philip, who recently retired, will remain as a consultant to the AMMEGA Group.

Tom joins AMMEGA after having served most recently as Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of Southwire Company.  Before this, Tom was President of the Americas for Vacon − an industrial technology company where he grew the business by 15% per year for eight consecutive years, leading to the sale of Vacon to Danfoss.  As the Head of Danfoss Drives, Tom led the Commercial integration program globally. Before this, Tom worked at Eaton where he served in several managerial roles.

With his broad range of experiences and energetic leadership style, Tom brings the right mix of entrepreneurial and continuous improvement mindset to the AMMEGA Americas organisation.

Tom is a graduate of the University of Dayton where he earned a BS in Electrical Engineering and completed his Graduate work at Syracuse University.

He is married and has four children.

PDF アイコン 2019_10_29_tom_doring_announcement.pdf298.53 KB



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